Are these findings also possible in a heliocentric model?
In this book I mostly focused on the different cycles of precession – and therefore obliquity/ inclination – movements of Earth and Moon within our solar system. The details of the exact planet movements are yet to be added but with the help of the attached Excel, I expect someone should be able to create the proper orbits as well. It is not enough to just add numbers that are MORE OR LESS in line with the observed orbit. They need to FULLY in line with the observations and the current scientific numbers as well (like e.g. compared to the invariable plane).
Most compelling evidence for a geo-heliocentric model
In the current heliocentric model all movements are totally unrelated to each other. So e.g. eccentricity is just happening for some unclear reason. The Axial precession is due to some other unclear reason and we are just rushing through space with tremendous speeds never to return in the same location, but we can’t measure anything because ... yeah because of what?
In the dummy universe model all movements are related to each other and just because of two forces working against each other: The Sun Orbit Center is orbiting CENTER counter clockwise and Earth is orbiting CENTER clockwise. And we can’t measure it on Earth because we are hardly moving at all.
NOTE: Both in the geo-heliocentric and heliocentric model we do not know the WHY these two counter-forces are there. What is the driving force? Will it be perpetual? That is up for debate.
I have also shown the Obliquity tilt is completely in line with the formula’s provided by “Chapront et al. (2002)” and “J. Laskar's Mean Obliquity Formula” for the numbers around the current age (year 2000 AD). However on the longer term the predictions from J. Laskar differ from the dummy universe model.
The underlying values are completely in line with the “Inclination to the invariable plane” value of 1.5786889°. In Blue the Axial Precession. In Red the Inclination precession. In Green the result of both (which was shown as “dotted Green” in the previous picture).
The Inclination tilt (current value 1.5786889°) is moving in 101.920 years which is currently experienced as ~112,000 years (current term apsidal precession) of how the HELION POINT moves around CENTER. Since the Earth is orbiting CENTER in opposite direction in 23,520 years we notice the eccentricity changes and therefore we experience it as the BLUE pattern in a timeframe of 19,110 years.
In PURPLE you see the dates where Inclination precession meets Axial precession (see date 1246-06-14), which is according to calculations by J. Meeus.
In GREEN the current date and Inclination. In year 23,541 AD we will reach the maximum and I year 74,501 AD it is 0 again.
I have additionally explained earlier in this book how 1 SI second movement of earth results in 366.256363098868 SI seconds delay in the Sidereal year to explain the relation between all types of days and years and MOST IMPORTANTLY: Where CENTER needs to be found.
This is also by the way the greatest counter argument for the geo-heliocentric model: CENTER has never been found:
”where exactly is this imaginary CENTER of yours?”
HOLD ON: Sometimes certain theories are first predicted and later the evidence will be found. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I have created an overview picture that shows how all cycles are related to each other.
Explanation why these movements are really only possible in a geo-heliocentric model
So the dummy universe model explains all observations we see around us and it is COMPLETELY in line with metrics like eccentricity, precession, inclination AND explains the long term ~100k years temperature fluctuations. Could it be we just created something EXTRA to explain the heliocentric model? Can we also use these numbers and behaviours in a heliocentric universe?
Like I have mentioned above, there are really only two forces working against each other to make the model work.
First of all what is important for such a model to work is that both these forces are at the same location working upon each other. It can’t be Axial precession is working on Earth and at the same time Inclination precession to work around the Sun, all the while Earth is orbiting the Sun and have the same kind of effect as described in this book. There is way too much distance they can work on each other. The “thing” Earth and Sun are orbiting: CENTER, needs to be close to each other. So we need to look at a heliocentric model where Axial and Inclination precession are both explained with orbits located near the Sun.
Let’s therefore theoretically explore the two forces as if both these forces working upon each other near CENTER are situated near the Sun.
Inclination precession
The HELION POINT orbiting CENTER in 101,860 years near the Sun seems to be possible to explain the Inclination precession.
So that would mean Sun’s barycenter would just be outside the Sun and shifting in 101,920 years.
Axial precession
The Axial precession however can’t be near the Sun, based upon the current observation of Earth axis hardly to change in one year. Earth’s axis makes an orbit in 23,520 years. In order to explain Earth is orbiting CENTER close to the Sun, it would mean Earth’s axis will turn around 360° in 1 year instead of in 23,520 years because Earth stays pointed to CENTER.
Additionally we will run into problems for the explanation of the relationship between sidereal year and sidereal day AND the location of CENTER.
These numbers and the related behaviours are therefore REALLY ONLY POSSIBLE IN A GEO-HELIOCENTRIC UNIVERSE. There is no other way possible.
Anyone might still (off course) favour the heliocentric model. I would not hold you down. But if you explain the two contrary models to someone less informed, which model might sound more logical? The model with unbelievable movements which we cannot feel or measure which has all movements unrelated to each other and still can’t fully describe what we see around us? Or the model that is in line what we feel and measure and seems to be explained with two forces working upon each other? It is up to you.
Summary why the dummy universe model is correct
Just to summarize why I think we live in a Geo-heliocentric universe:
- The model is in line with the historically measurements, current value and near future predictions of obliquity.
- The model is in line with the historically measurements, current value and near future predictions of eccentricity.
- The model is in line with the historically measurements, current value and near future predictions of Inclination to the variable plane.
- The model is in line with the temperature/ CO2 historic cycles.
- The model explains the connection between all precession movements we see around us.
- The model explains the connection between solar day, sidereal day, stellar day, solar year, sidereal year and anomalistic year.
- The model explains the slowing down of experienced earth rotation.
- The model is in line with J. Meeus calculations about the perihelion of 1246 AD being aligned with the June solstice.
- The model explains the connection between all movements of our Moon including the mean distance.
- The model explains the Planet orbits.
- The model is in line with structures you find in nature.
- The model is in line with planetary bodies moving according to Kepler’s 3rd law.
- The model explains the precession of the equinoxes with the moving Earth axis from Polaris to Vega.
- The model can be explained and shown (ELI5)!
- The model is a balanced system.
- No spooky theories - which fool our eyes and ears extensively - needed anymore.
The chances these numbers are “just” showing up in a geo-heliocentric model, but the model still truly being a heliocentric one, are – in my view - negligible.